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Alastair calls NYCB’s Jenifer Ringer FAT!

Check the New york Times Review here

OOOOOh this made me hot enough to crack a nut in my fist!! First let me say that I have never cared greatly for Mr. Macaulay or his critique, but I’ll leave that by the way side for a moment. Who does he think he is to make such unnecessary and pointedly mean spirited and dare I say (Oh what the hell he went there so why don’t I, I’ll stoop or shall I say Grande Plie to his level!) queeny comments like this? I’m sure sitting alone in his flat it read quite wittily – but I am here to say that you are no Dorothy Parker! leave savvy witticisms those who are both savvy and witty in my opinion you fall short on both counts. What makes me more protective of Ms. Ringer is the fact that she has been so open about her body issues, and disordered eating, and the idea that she was brave enough to come back to the stage (with the support of her husband) and this jerk says something so hateful. As if the image of the Ballerina was not damaging enough…
Talk about the dance! you can not like the dancing the choreography, staging, costumes lighting but leave the people alone.

I find it interesting that it’s almost always the people who have never performed that are hateful in such ways, for it is clear that they know nothing of what it takes to be an artist; to have the strength of ones vulnerability, to expose oneself that way. To lay oneself bare to be judged. Studying the history of art is noble and worthy but where it brings you nearer to the art you do not – can not enter it. If one could then folks like Mr. Macaulay would wield their pens with more thought when it came to matters that are of a more personal nature such as weight, or lack of pulchritude- which may in many ways affect your attraction towards an artist, but has little nothing to do with the art form they are taking part in. With a little willing suspension of disbelief goes a long way!
It is sad. So Sad. It angers me. This is why I created this space to try to help undo what people and their words and their small thoughts and exclusionary concepts do to those who just want to participate and be a part. I find it disheartening…

Ms. Ringer- you are beautiful you always have been a wonderful artist and have a passion for dance that you have sent out over the footlights, please don’t let one careless penned person rob you of that- for it is your gift, that we, the audience await and adore.
And that’s the T’Ruth!

Here is Ringer talking to Dance Spirit about body issues

The Daughters Talk about their Mothers!

This was very insightful for all of the participants. The way the daughters saw their mothers was eyeopening. Another interesting thing was revealed when the ladies were asked if they were able to talk to their mothers openly about subjects related to the body, development and sexuality. It all seemed peachy until the T’ruth came out- it’s very telling, and a very common way that we “communicate”