Last week, Khloe weighed in on weight loss via Twitter.
“Still get disgusted by how people judge others by weight. Either ‘fat’ or ‘skinny.’ Nothing is ever good enough,”
“Throwing stones behind a screen. If you must judge a person. Try judging their soul. My brick walls are getting higher and higher.”
“U can’t love any1 else until u know how to love urself first. The good, bad, ugly, beautiful…. Love yourself deeply. The rest is easy.”
Ok so I’m not trying to make her a 140 character guru but you have to admit that she is absolutely right. And with an attitude it probably makes both the process of getting in shape and the results something that you can own and therefore sustain. It must also be hard to stay on track being married to a mad snacker who loves sweets. I wonder if any of this has something to do with her and Lamar not doing their own reality show in order to get home more focused and back on track in his basketball career. More personal off camera time and space no doubt makes it easier to both have the time and focus to take care of yourself. When your daily life is a performance, it must be nearly impossible to keep a schedule and diet that has consistency and balance. Personally I think that she looks great and she sounds like she is in a good place!!