I have been an avid Bikram practitioner for about a year and a half now. Though I do it begrudgingly most days it is the ONLY thing that has worked for me. It of keeps me lean, and flexible with the added benefit of leveling off my weight by acting almost like an appetite suppressant- or more that it makes me desire better- cleaner foods. T’ruth be told I am a bloater- I mean there are days were I can sink the Titanic I expel so much water. I’m naturally muscular so the gym is not an option for me unless I want to look like a competitive body builder. And it’s a challenge, it’s 90 minutes where you battle your body, mind and the elements after which I always feel like there is nothing I can’t do!
Come and meet the owners of the studio I attend in Harlem.
Bikram Yoga Harlem
518 W 145th St, NY, NY 10031
tel : 212.926.0753
well done!
So true. This is a wonderful place where all bodies are appreciated and honored.
You know I love my Bikram Yoga!! It’s so good for my body but better yet, for my peace of mind. My Bikram time is my quiet time, my gift to myself; a time when I don’t have to think about my multi-tasking high paced schedule. I can actually go in the room and not think at all….
ive been practicing for a few years now and have practiced in many different studios across different cities and Biram Yoga Harlem is BY FAR my favorite…the teaches, the students, the facility, the vibe…its definitely a studio that ranks high amongst this community of Birkam yogis.
I practiced at BYH over the Summer and absolutely loved the instructors. Adam and Erik are wonderful and there is such a feeling of community. The benefits I got from practicing were unbelievable and the feeling it gave me became addictive! I’ve noticed that I’m focused and more balanced mind, body and soul. I’m continuing my practice at BYH.