59 can be Fabulous!!! Old G Super Model Christie Brinkely has still Got it (never lost it!!)


You have to admit there is something to be said about an elegantly aging woman. Women in Europe have been doing it for years while it seems American women fight it tooth and needle (although  now a days it seems that that no nation is immune to the Botox , and filler addiction). But when you see a great beauty ease into middle age, letting the wisdom and a life lived show either through graying  hair, or fine lines and carry it with pride and grace it is encouraging, inspiring. It is natural for women to put in some extra weight after a certain age, and when they dress their fuller form age and shape appropriately it is a win for all, and when they manage to maintain the figure of their “second act” they take all the young girls to school. Well the Academic year might just be ending but supermodel Christie Brinkley just rang the bell in her latest photo shoot for Social Life magazine. Ladies take note!





Here she is in her hey day when she posed for Sports Illustrated‘s 1979, 1980, and 1981 issues. Do YOU see a difference?

Frankly ( I don’t know how much air brushing is involved but) she looks better, she is snatched now, she still has a “baby fat” in the SI pics, it’s nice to see that old ’80’s curvy girl frame– miss it!!!

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