When Trends go Bad: A Rant on the Colored Jean (VIDEO)

They are every where and the season has just broken! Geesh. I loved the idea but everybody and their mama is rocking a colored jean- too much is too much. Hear how I REALLY feel.


I think it’s a skinny girl trend. We might have to leave it to the thin of thigh, maybe we thick thigh chicks can find ways of getting color about the leg that might be more flattering…

Ok so I guess you can do them in a wide leg, (not the same though tell the truth)

2 thoughts on “When Trends go Bad: A Rant on the Colored Jean (VIDEO)”

  1. this is the BEST rant/review you’ve done to date! i’ve been contemplating for 2 weeks buying a pair of colbalt blue & fuschia skinny jeans. i tried them on…i looked ubercute but i saw 6, SIX, other girls buying them (and no, i don’t think they should’ve been buying skinny jeans, colored or otherwise) & opted out because i don’t want to look like every other girl out there!

    so, i’ll see you at the next funeral….or better yet, i plan on breaking and entering a liquor store in my black skinny jeans, maybe i’ll see you there!

  2. Great minds think alike!! it’s maddening like those damned straw fedora hats, I just want to take a lighter to them. They are cute but like a mediocre actress with big breast and an over zealous PR person– they are just over exposed! For summer I can opt for all white and look like a Yoruba Priestess…

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