Japanese skincare line Clé de Peau Beauté tapped the actress as their new spokesperson back on October…
but check this out they are planning to moisturizer, “La Creme,” retail for $13,000 for a crystal-encrusted 50 gram jar — Okay I’m like put that shit in a recycled Olay container and knock of what $12,900! What does it do? That’s more expensive than gold. So you are on a budget you say, did Suzy Orman DENY you because you can’t afford it? well here’s the good news, Barneys sells a cheaper version of the cream for a mere $775 it’s still close to your monthly rent, but if you do go in for it you will be the dewiest homeless person in the shelter…
Seriously I need to know what is in it and what it does that makes it so frickin expensive? For those prices it should cure skin cancer or at least 100% prevent it…What is it just that bejeweled container? It sounds outrageous to me but then again I am a part of the 99% so maybe that’s why I don’t comprehend.
Well Beyonce just bought Jay-Z a private jet for father’s day, so she could probably understand….It must be nice.
placenta and horse urine probably! What is wrong with the world, unbelievable!!