Carra Sykes’ Mother /Daughter portraits

Photographer Carra Sykes was between jobs when she decided to work her creative muscles while spending some quality bonding time with her mother.

The collaboration, titled “Mother + Daughter,” captures the similarities between two generations of Sykes women to a remarkable degree. Sykes told the Huffington Post via e-mail she developed the concept behind the shoot because her mom often borrows the young artist’s clothing. We’d say this heartwarming collaboration is far superior to a temper tantrum! Check Huffington Post for the story..

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I think these are wonderful, I have always been fascinated by DNA and the transfer… since I work with young dancers I am always amazed at seeing the mother or father and see where they get their bodies, faces and mannerisms from. These  portraits illustrate it so well, they look quite a bit alike but still very  much themselves. They share aspects, features, but are unique. Though age separates them you can at once see what Carra might become and what her mother might have been… It is so beautiful plus her mom is so darn cute, and looks like she gets a kick out of playing in her daughters clothes. I think they should do some shots where they wear the mother’s clothing!

click the pic to see it larger!