What’s the Point?

If you know anything about me you’ll know that I am honest, forthright and I hate BS!

I got annoyed!
In the media there are no real conversations about the body or the images we hold of them, oh yeah there is talk- chatter but honest conversation not so much…Instead it’s always someone trying to sell you something: a product, a belief, a lifestyle that amounts to a pipe dream.

Buy this! – Wear that! Eat these and it will make you look like the image we are projecting (which has been digitally altered and bares no resemblance to a human being at all)

The body has been commercialized.

That commercialization has many us twisted and feeling horribly inadequate- you are never enough! young, thin, tall, rich, smart, blonde, or nowadays naked (publicly).

I wanted to create a place where we can discuss the body the way we do with our girlfriends on the telephone, with our mothers and sisters over the kitchen table, With our partner and lovers in the dressing rooms of clothing stores and with ourselves in our heads! (Sometimes it’s best conversation you can get). I wanted to create a place where women and men alike can realize that they are not alone in their feelings of confusion (as to where they fit or what to be) or frustration (at not being at all what they truly want to be). I wanted for all us to have that collective “somebody” to say, “You’re all right?” – “It’s ok” – “I know” or sometimes “Shut up- and eat that cake!” Because sometimes- what you have – ain’t what you want – but it’s better than nothing, so, we have to learn how to accept and appreciate what we do have because we are all fabulous by design- and fabulous starts in the mind!!

My Body My Image is your body, my body, our Bodies let’s redefine and Re- fine Our Image- together!!!

19 thoughts on “What’s the Point?”

  1. You are my HERO!!!!!! Thank you so much for this Theresa… Not matter no background, ethnicity, culture, we all need to share our stories. I am passing onto Salma… she will be very excited to get involved. Muchos Hugos.. Arun

  2. Teresa!!!

    Congratulations/ I’m so happy for you and feel proud to have been one of those little voices whispering in your ear to make this happen.

  3. This is amazing. Seriously, I cannot wait to see how this project develops. As a dancer myself, I have fought a battle with the mirror and with myself since I can remember. I would love to get more involved in this as I think it is very, very important. Good luck and I’m excited to see where this goes. Also, you are beautiful!

  4. This totally rocks!!! I’m going to share it because those of us in the entertainment industry especially feel this pain. To strive for health and feeling good is one thing but to obsess about fat, stretch marks, longs legs, short legs and the rest just takes up space in your head. I love the video too. Thanks for making this site.

  5. Stephanie,
    Thank you! yes the entertainment industry does need to take a look. That’s where a lot of these ideas we hold come from please pass it on and keep coming back!!

  6. I am so excited to explore the content of this website. It is so helpful to be reminded that unfortunately we do find ourselves continually striving for perfection; but when we pause and think, perfection is unattainable. Personally, I hope to adjust my mindset so that whenever I catch myself thinking negatively, I will replace those thoughts with appreciation for the body that I do have, the way it functions and my state of health. Thank you so much for creating such an uplifting, beneficial website.

  7. Thank you. This is what it’s about. There is no panacea, one thing, trick or product, it’s a process and it’s like anything practice creates mastery. Please keep following I hope to bring more helpful information and your voice is important, what do you want to talk about or share? I would love to know. Spread the words and check out the Tools they can be helpful to keep your head on track- and the body will follow!

  8. Hello,
    I am a student at Towson University. Mrs. Linda told our class about your blog and I am so happy that I subscribe to your blog. I am very inspired by your page. I am glad to know that there are still people out in cyber world that are down to earth! I will continue to check your page out and I will try to spread the word about your blog!!!
    Thank you for creating your site

  9. This is such a great blog. It is way overdue. We have as a society fallen into that body image that is so unrealistic. Truth is we all have different body types and we should revel in what we were given and not try to be like the models in the magazines. Your accomplishments are amazing and congratulations.

  10. Why is it that there are so few public places to talk about body image issues? It seems to be something that everyone deals with, but nobody talks about. In most groups of dancers I’ve ever been a part of, 90% of us have struggled with maintaining a positive mindset about our bodies.

    This is a wonderful site, and thank you for creating a domain for such a necessary topic!

  11. You inspire me so much and I truly believe that we should all try to appreciate what we have. It is very difficult when, like you mentioned, there are all these portrayals of “perfection” and beauty in the media nowadays. These images and beliefs can often times make us feel inadequate and unworthy of a great life. But I am a dancer, and the body is a dancer’s instrument, so it is important to treat it well and feel good about it no matter what shape or size! Thank you for the inspiration 🙂

  12. I completely agree that the body has become commercialized. Since many girls see these commercialized images, they begin to degrade themselves and feel ashamed of their own body. We need to be happy with who we are and who we have become. We should be blessed for our bodies; the way it functions and the state of health it is in. We should reveal ourselves they way we are and not try to be like the commercialized models on TV or in magazines.

  13. I think it’s great to make a website that exposes this issue of body image. I know that I sometimes get discouraged and look in the mirror and point out all my flaws. Sometimes it’s just nice to know that we aren’t alone in this.

  14. Yes, thank you for this blog/ website. Girls of all ages need a place to go to read about the facts of the media, fad diets, peer pressure, social pressures, and everyday stressors of other girls. It is important for girls of all ages to speak out about their feelings of themselves and what is happening in our world today. I am a dancer, body image plays a large role in my life and the life of the profession. I enjoy reading up on ways to keep my instrument healthy and away from injury. Thank you again for all of the wonderful blogs of inspiration.

  15. I love that you opened the floor about this topic. I am a dancer as well and we pick apart our body the most. Media today just gets worse and worse especially with plastic surgery. I don’t know if anyone read facebook but at least 25 of my girlfriends made a depressing status about the Victoria Secret Runway show being on. Thats how you know our minds really do revolve around the media. How come their are never plus size fashion shows commercialized? Its just a never ending cycle.

  16. It is so great that you bring up this topic. I am a dancer and I know we pick apart our body more then most. Lately, the media has been so bad. I am not sure if you have a facebook but at least 25 of my friends made a depressing status over the Victoria Runway Show. It is clear the media is such a huge influence on our body image. I would like to know why their aren’t any plus size models walking the runway. Victoria Secret makes all sizes right?

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