I know how to end it. We should just do a dance off. I know Natalie is pregnant and her center of gravity has changed but any ballet dancer can turn with her stomach empty, it’s a true diva who can turn with her belly full!! I think both chicks should throw the boots on and twirl it out on the Marley. Ok ok if you want to be fair then we can wait for Nat to pop and give her a good 6 months to train and then we can have the dance off. Frankly I think that she got pregnant to avoid a Gwyneth Paltrow sort of situation, if she had been able the Academy might have asked her to recreate her Black Swan performance at the Oscars and then what would have happened (no time for head replacement there). right now it’s all talk on both sides- I want to see it get down and dirty in the studio Nat can bring Kunis and Millepied, and Sarah Lane can bring Center Stage body double Aesha Ash (she doubled for Zoe Saldana) she can spread the chocolate, and for their male we can give them either Ethan Stifle or Mikhail Baryshnikov , he’s an ol’ G movie dancer. I love it. Leave a comment as a poll to see if we can set it up!
Huffpost:The ‘Black Swan’ ballet battle rages on.
Sarah Lane, American Ballet Theatre star and dance double to Natalie Portman in “Black Swan,” has again gone public with her accusations that she did most of the dancing for the part that won Portman an Oscar.
Lane alleges that, after she spoke to Glamour Magazine about her part in the movie, she got a phone call from one of the film’s producers ordering that she stay quiet.
“He asked if I would please not do any more interviews until after the Oscars because it was bad for Natalie’s image,” Lane told ABC News’ “20/20.” “They were trying to create this image, this facade, really, that Natalie had done something extraordinary. Something that is pretty much impossible… to become a professional ballerina in a year and half. Even with as hard as she worked, it takes so much more. It takes twenty-two years, it takes thirty years to become a ballerina.”
It’s a gag order that, Lane says, degrades the hard work of lifelong dancers.
“There’s so much emotionally that goes into motivating yourself and being able to physically push yourself to reach a certain level, that you have to reach to be a professional ballerina with one of the biggest ballet companies in the world and to sustain that standard over a whole career,” Lane told the news show. “I’ve been doing this for 22 years, and to say that someone trained for a year and a half and did what I did is degrading not only to me but to the entire ballet world.”
Later there was the truly galling part:
Millepied, whose comments to the Los Angeles Times helped touch off the entire issue, estimated that, overall, 85% of the dancing that made the final cut was Portman’s.
“It was so believable, it was fantastic, that beautiful movement quality,” he told the paper. “There are articles now talking about her dance double that are making it sound like [Sarah Lane, her body double] did a lot of the work, but really, she just did the footwork, and the fouettés, and one diagonal [phrase] in the studio. Honestly, 85% of that movie is Natalie.”
here’s the full report