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Dr. Drew’s Daughter Paulina Reveals Eating Disorder




“Well, I’d rather have an over-eating disorder than an under-eating disorder.”

She said, “You don’t mean that,” to which I replied, “Yes, I do. I’ve already had an under-eating one.”

Without missing a beat, she responded, “No, you haven’t.”

I paused, but before I knew it, the words were out of my mouth. “Yes, I have. I’ve been throwing up since the seventh grade.”


This is how Paulina Pinsky  daughter of famed addiction specialist Dr. Drew Pinsky told her mother Susan that she had been suffering with and from an eating disorder since 7th grade. Now 21 and a college student at Barnard Paulina shares the experience of confessing to her mother and her journey to recovery through treatment. The Article was featured on Huff Post College:

What Happened When I Told My Mom I Had An Eating Disorder

We were driving back from a family dinner at a posh Los Angeles restaurant, the kind whose clientele doesn’t dare to touch the bread baskets. My mother could not stop blabbing about the owners of her gym, because that’s what you do when your daughter is home from her first year of college: “One time I went to dinner with them and they both ate steak and one order of French fries. But they still look amazing. But they split the fries…” I felt like I couldn’t even hear her. My ability to listen to my mother talk about her gym owners had disappeared when I had hit rock-bottom four months prior and had put myself into therapy. Purging eight times in one day to cope with the emotional stress of being home during spring break had finally scared me enough to take action. And here I was again, stuck in a car with her.

Without even thinking, the words erupted from my mouth.

“Well, I’d rather have an over-eating disorder than an under-eating disorder.”

She said, “You don’t mean that,” to which I replied, “Yes, I do. I’ve already had an under-eating one.”

Without missing a beat, she responded, “No, you haven’t.”

I paused, but before I knew it, the words were out of my mouth. “Yes, I have. I’ve been throwing up since the seventh grade.”

All of the air was sucked out of the space we both shared. This was not the way I wanted to tell her; this was not what I had planned. I had imagined a triumphant moment that involved eating a whole cake with my hands without breaking eye contact and saying, “YES, I HAVE BEEN A BULIMIC AND ANOREXIC FOR SEVEN YEARS. BUT NOW I AM BETTER. I AM EATING THIS CAKE BECAUSE I WANT IT AND I’M HUNGRY. AND GODDAMN IT TASTES GOOD.” But the words flew out of my mouth before I had a chance to take them back. The following moment was the longest and most painful silence of my life; I felt like my stomach was going to fall out and that I was going to projectile-vomit onto the windshield. After a silence that lasted far too long, she responded.

Well, get your teeth checked.”


Two years later, I can say that for the first time in my entire life I have a functional relationship with my mother. Part of my recovery has been essentially creating a new relationship with her from scratch. Our bond has become stronger as a result of my letting her get to know a more genuine side of me. And as we get closer, I finally understand her reaction to the first time I opened up to her about my relationship with food. She needed me to be perfect, something that neither I nor anyone else can be.

My mother was not the only one demanding perfection from me. I was the pretty blonde girl who was a cheerleader and an ice skater. I got good grades, had a boyfriend and was thin: I was living the life everyone had always told me I should want for myself. But I was suffering under the weight of “perfection” in a way that even I didn’t completely understand.

And how could I have understood it? My 13-year-long figure skating career fostered my eating disorder, which was normalized by the people around me. Both inside and outside the world of figure skating, I was repeatedly praised for my “perfection.” Everyone constantly inquired about my thinness, asking how I did it and how they could emulate it. My hunger didn’t matter, I was told, because it was merely a means to an end. A friend’s mother told me that if I went to bed hungry, I would lose weight. And it was true. I began to realize that people liked me better thin. I had boyfriends who never failed to comment on how “amazing” and “beautiful” I looked; my friends and their mothers asked me what I ate and how I worked out. Thinness became my entire identity. Everyone needed me to be thin and, even worse, I needed myself to be thin.

I’m not the only woman who has suffered, though. Women are supposed to be small. As I watched my football-playing brothers stuff themselves with spaghetti carbonara, steak and hot fudge sundaes, I would pick at my salad, as my mother did the same. It wasn’t just me who had been affected by society’s demands for my body. It was my mother and her mother before her.

Continue after the JUMP

Be your Own IT Girl

Walk past any news kiosk and it’s clear what’s hot, the face of the it girl splashed on the majority of the covers makes that all too clear. In the eighties we had glamazon Cindy Crawford, the Nineties waif Kate Moss, now it’s Paris, Lindsay and Halle. Like Pavlov’s dogs we set out in a mad frenzy to become her, doing the best with what we’ve genetically been given and what we can financially acquire; hot haircuts, wedge heels and the right length skirt and the bag of the season. If it’s within our budget we could add or remove unwanted fat and place it where they say it should be, lips, breasts, or booty. However when the look of o’the day is beyond facsimile we have no recourse but to await the next season, like playing roulette we hope the little ball lands on something closer to what we naturally are or can successfully feign.
For years I have shed my clothes in dressing rooms and looking around me I can’t help thinking that when it comes to dance and aesthetics, I have the very same feeling as looking at Vogue, nauseously inadequate. I discerned that directors are like fashion editors; choreographers designers and we the dancers, are models. Some are touted for their facility, some for their artistry and quality while others are simply the muses. The dance world moves at a slower pace than fashion but whether we like to admit it or not it’s still based on aesthetics. Looks do count, not for everything but they certainly help. I think of Gelsey looking at Suzanne wondering, “What does she have that I don’t?” it wasn’t talent. Speaking of Balanchine, he single-handly created the paper-thin hair flowing look that had girls fearful of cutting their hair and made Tab one of the four major food groups.
Alas the wheel spins again. Today the millennium ballerina has breasts, junk in her trunk, spiky hair, an Afro and even tattoos. Of course there will always be the it girls for whom roles are created and ballets designed around, likewise there will always be her counterpart, the often unappreciated ox who remembers the counts, know all that parts, can be thrown in at a seconds notice, neurotically working to be it, hoping against hope that the golden girl will twist her ankle and she’ll get her shot and like an old MGM movie she’ll go from chorus girl to star over night. But this is not the movie The Company and Neve Campbell fell out in the end anyway. I suppose its just better to remember why we dance in the first place, the love of it, and somehow make ourselves it girl in our minds, whether we are way upstage on quarter or in the dressing room waiting for her twenty minute solo to end. Personally I exact my revenge at the gala with my irresistible charm and infallible fashion sense, spotlights don’t always shine on stage, I carry mine with me!

That’s my two cents you can keep the change.

Today Show’s “Love Your Selfie” Segment, Make-up Less Monday







In order to bring awareness to the issues we all have with body image the Today Show anchors went make up less for one segment. They also shared some of their intimate thoughts about their bodies and their issues. It is quite moving and inspirational. What was really refreshing was to hear, Al Roker talk about his weight issue, Matt Lauer the loss of his hair and Will Geist about his forehead. They were joined by Dr. Mehmet Oz, who was make-up less as well when questioning them about the experience of baring all on national television.

I was most impressed by Savannah Guthrie who was so genuine and honest. She spoke about what it was like to be tall and tower over everyone. Also Tamron Hall shared a family tradition of not speaking negatively about themselves especially in front of the children…

It is all in the video below.

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Build a Healthier Body Image: Fill Your Toolbox








If we are going to build a more positive self image then we are going to need the right tools to do it. Let’s get started on our new Project –Ourselves!!

The first tool in your body image tool box is:

Stop the intake of negative images, perceptions and standards of the body. If looking at the  models in magazines make you feel bad about yourself because there is no way you can match that standard, then stop looking at the magazines. Pick up a book, or something that is going to make you feel good (period) be it about your body or anything about yourself or your life. Instead of taking information that makes you question who you are, and if you are good enough, take in something that will make you better. I have started to listen to numerous podcasts when I travel, from Quick and Dirty grammar and money tips, Radiolab‘s, Marc Maron’s WTF , and I LOVE Dr. Drew. the time I spent flipping through a fashion rag on the way to work I now spend learning something, or laughing!! I always feel smarter and better!

Check out the video to get started there will be another tip coming soon!!!

Just another girl on the IRT

Theresa Ruth Howard





I was having one of those days. I got dressed, looked in the mirror and said” Damn, I look good!” As I made my way to the subway, the men on the street concurred, “Baby I’d drink your bath water”, “Darlin’ next time I’ll bottle it for you”, I replied. On the train, I strategically took a seat across from a window as to gaze at my lovely reflection, only to have my view obstructed by an even lovelier view. She was stunning, I mean, absolutely, hatefully gorgeous. This girl didn’t belong on a sub way but on a runway. The type that made you wonder, “What does it feel like to be that beautiful?” She looked airbrushed by God. I put my shades on so I could study her unnoticed, and hide my homeliness. As my insecurities strangled me, my heart began to pound, I began to sweat, I even contemplated getting off the train to escape her. I was undone, wrecked! I had to work hard to maintain my pH balance (playa hatin’ balance). I didn’t get off the train. I forced myself to give her mental props. I even thought of telling her but …

I complement women all the time. I love to see the look of surprise and gratitude they get, like they’ve just won a prize, and they have, in the acknowledgment and approval of a peer. Let’s face it, women dress for (or against) other women. Their opinion counts even if we can’t admit it aloud. But Physics tells us: two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Is that true of beauty? What about intelligence, or talent?
Was her beauty really clouding mine? Was I not the same beautiful, smart intelligent, sexy, witty, and charming and dare I say modest woman that left my house? . Of course it helped that she got off at 72nd Street and I was going downtown.

Well that’s my two cents; you can keep the change!

Biggest Loser Winner – “Maybe I was a little too enthusiastic…”


Rachel Fredrickson shocked everyone at the finale of the biggest loser when in her final reveal she had wizened from 260 lbs to an alarming 105 lbs. Well in the aftermath of the backlash Fredrickson is speaking out and had admitted that perhaps she got carried way. In this week’s cover story for People Magazine she says:

“Maybe I was a little too enthusiastic in my training to get to the finale,” she tells PEOPLE exclusively .

Asked point blank whether she has an eating disorder, she replies, “I am very, very healthy.”


The interview took place three days after the finale, and apparently Frederickson looked “much more healthy, she looked like she had a little bit more of a glow to her.” according to reporter Michelle Tan.

Senior Editor Michelle Tan remarked, “She really was taking responsibility for the fact that maybe she was ‘too enthusiastic’ about her workout,”

The weight loss franchise, or at least Frederickson’s trainer Dolvett Quince seems to want to make sure she is healthy and on the right track, Quince has states the he plans to work with her on “finding a balance” for her fitness routine. That means going from working out six hours a day to 90 minutes a day.


Well I supposed it’s good that she (or someone) is willing to admit that there was something wrong here. It was just as I stated before in the previous post :

“Personally I think she might have gone too far. It’s that thing that happens when you start to see improvement, and you are not yet used to your new self, you just want more, and more, and it can (if not checked) move into addiction , and in this case a disorder be it eating or exercise addiction.”

The point is  that if in fact she has “gone overboard” that she get the support and help she needs to find her center. Then I think  the show needs to look at whether or not they were somehow culpable in her taking it too far, and if they are promoting not only the contestants on the shoe, and viewers to to the same? Only time will tell, Biggest Loser, it’s your move!

What Price Beauty? Miss Venezuela hopeful sews plastic to her tongue..

This is crazy!!! WTF for real!
The BCC aired a documentary titled Extreme Beauty Queens: Secrets of South America, the things revealed in it are unbelievably disturbing and scary. Venezuela has long been famous for being one of the capitals of plastic surgery. They have some of the most beautiful people in the world, add many of them have been modified so in a way it is not surprising that the young women vying for the coveted Miss Venezuela crown wouldn’t hesitate to go under the knife to increase their chances of winning. Where it becomes scary is when they are encouraged to do so by the country’s “King of Beauty”, 67 year-old Osmel Sousa who oversees the pageant.

Sousa has a very discerning eye and does not hold his tongue when telling contestants to get surgery, fix their hair, and even have their front teeth filed down . Speaking of tongues, there was one contestant who has plastic sewn onto her tongue to make it harder to eat so that she could lose weight…

18 year-old contestant, Maya Nera, has revealed that not only did she get a boob job AND a nose job to try and win the crown, but she has also has a piece of plastic SEWN to her tongue to make it harder to eat food. Here is an excerpt from the documentary (at 2:38 Maya talks about all of her procedures and at 3:25 she reveals her slim figure is due to mesh sewn onto her tongue)

I find that this story, and the Biggest Loser scandal involving winner Rachel Frederickson losing 60% of her body weight and returning to the finale grossly underweight have a few troublesome things in common. The main thing is the actual competition aspect- one based on beauty, the other based on weight loss which in our society equals beauty. When we create competition out of genetics, there are no winners. There is a distinct difference between competitions based on talent or skill,  take sports: basketball, golf, tennis etc. or  art: Vocal and instrumental, dance, fine art, writing, drama, where the latter are more subjective and less clear cut then a score board declaring the victor, there is a criteria that is based on training and skill. Where genetics do come into play in sports and art competitions, the playing field can always be leveled by hard work, determination, and a work ethic that lead to mastery and superiority. Some might challenge that plastic surgery or extreme dieting are par for the course in a dedicated  beauty contestant’s “training”, no different from a ballet dancer losing weight, or Michael Phelps eating a high calorie diet required to fuel his body for his vigorous workouts. The difference might be found in what the subject of the competition creates or contributes to society. Team sports and the training creates an ability for participants to learn how to work as a team and yet perform as an individual, it teaches players to support one another while striving for a common goal. It also fosters mental and physical strength fortitude, determination, and perseverance. Most importantly not only only how to win (graciously) and how to lose (graciously). Sports and Arts both build self esteem and self confidence by making participants feel capable, when they progress, and advance. With each marker pass they see their growth, strength and their development. These are character building qualities that run more than skin deep and last a lifetime. When a person exhibits a skill, or talent their looks fall to the wayside and their true value of their person is acknowledged.

I  am sure that participants of beauty pageants would submit that their industry does the same thing, however when the starting criteria based on beauty, that superficiality creates exclusion and a sense of physical inferiority, after all they are not called intelligence pageants. That is not to say that the contestants are not smart. When the desire to win moves in to the realm of physical augmentation or extreme dieting it works against the empowerment of women. When young women are being told that they are not enough, when they are made to feel inadequate in their gender this is becomes detrimental to the women that it is supposed to glorify and promote.

In regard to the Biggest Loser and show of that nature I find it a gross contradiction that while promoting health and fitness, they create almost a hostile environment for contestants (that obviously have some deep seated issues) to lose weight in. The training moves easily from encouraging to debasing and shaming. writer Golda Poretsky, wrote on the subject and I thought that what she pointed out was  right on target:

Freaked Out By Rachel Fredrickson’s Biggest Loser Win? Read This.

Freaked Out By Rachel Fredrickson’s Biggest Loser Win? Read This.

Here is what The Biggest Loser is NOT about:

  • Health.

Here is what The Biggest Loser IS about:

  • Shaming fat people.
  • Promoting diet products.
  • Promoting other merchandise tie-ins.
  • Manipulating viewers into thinking that their show is “saving lives.”
  • Ruining the physical and mental health of contestants season after season.


I would say that were beauty is a commodity it is not a skill. Beauty is a Noun not a Verb, is is not something you DO…

She is calling for the show to be canceled. Read her article here and you be the judge.

Personally I think that we really need to take a look at where we are going with this. Obviously the world of pageants has changed with the prevalence of plastic surgery, and injectables. It completely changed the game, raising the stakes and making the physical requirements more extreme. Some one has to say enough, someone has to set a boundary. Young women should not have to self mutilate, even under the guise of upgrading, to gain an opportunity in life….

What are your thoughts?

Did the Biggest Loser lose TOO Much?


“The Biggest Loser” contestant Rachel Frederickson, who weighed 260 pounds when the show began, shed 60 percent of her body weight during the show and ended at 105 pounds. Since she’s only 5’4”, that puts her body mass index at 18 — below what the National Institute of Health considers a healthy minimum. The first image is when she began the show, the second was the weight she was before she left the show to continue to train and shed weigh on her own at home. But did she take things too far?


This is the reaction of coaches Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper. They looked like they were masking horror. Check out the contestant in the Red shirt behind them she is just out and out horrified…


Now here is what the trainers said…after the backlash:

Dolvett Quince Rachel’s trainer and show cast member took to his Facebook page”

“Last night’s ‘Biggest Loser’ Finale has sparked a huge reaction and I do not want the day to end without addressing it,” her trainer and show star Dolvett Quince wrote late on Wednesday. “‘Biggest Loser’ is a journey which has its ups and downs. Please try not to look at one slice of Rachel’s journey and come to broad conclusions. Rachel’s health is and always has been my main concern and her journey to good health has not yet ended!!”

Fellow “Biggest Loser” trainer Jillian Michaels said on her own Facebook page that she and co-star Bob Harper did not feel “comfortable commenting on Rachel’s journey” because they did not work with her directly on the series.

Frederickson was given a 1,600-calorie-a-day eating plan on “The Biggest Loser” and said she continued to follow it after taping the series.

“I am extremely proud of the way I lost the weight,” she said. “I did everything so naturally and the athlete in me came back. To just work extremely hard and eat healthy, I’m definitely going to continue on this path with the support of everyone at The Biggest Loser and make them proud while I’m in this maintenance mode of life now and finding balance with exercise and putting in work and eating. So absolutely I’m going to continue being healthy.”

The T’ruth of the Matter:

Personally I think she might have gone too far. It’s that thing that happens when you start to see improvement, and you are not yet used to your new self, you just want more, and more, and it can (if not checked) move into addiction , and in this case a disorder be it eating or exercise addiction. I think that she does look a bit too thin, and she technically is underweight, however we don’t know HOW she got there. We know what she says she did, in terms of following the prescribed diet and fitness plan  but did she add to those workouts  or eat just a bit less? Who knows. It could have been that she wanted to win the $250,000 and went to far. I have a feeling that when we check back with her in 3 months she will have leveled out. I think the larger issue is the idea of making weight loss a competition, it could inspire people to so things that are unhealthy and have long term adverse effects in order to win. Health is not competitive!

Response to Jen Carson’s xojane Yoga article: It Happened To Me…


You might have read about this: Skinny white girl Jan Carson writer with penned a heartfelt revelatory experience she has in yoga class when a heavy set black woman came into her class and made her feel uncomfortable in her skinny white body… here is a taste to what she wrote

It Happened To Me: There Are No Black People In My Yoga Classes And I’m Suddenly Feeling Uncomfortable With It

I was completely unable to focus on my practice, instead feeling hyper-aware of my skinny white girl body.

Jen Caron

January is always a funny month in yoga studios: they are inevitably flooded with last year’s repentant exercise sinners who have sworn to turn over a new leaf, a new year, and a new workout regime. A lot of January patrons are atypical to the studio’s regular crowd and, for the most part, stop attending classes before February rolls around.
A few weeks ago, as I settled into an exceptionally crowded midday class, a young, fairly heavy black woman put her mat down directly behind mine. It appeared she had never set foot in a yoga studio—she was glancing around anxiously, adjusting her clothes, looking wide-eyed and nervous. Within the first few minutes of gentle warm-up stretches, I saw the fear in her eyes snowball, turning into panic and then despair. Before we made it into our first downward dog, she had crouched down on her elbows and knees, head lowered close to the ground, trapped and vulnerable. She stayed there, staring, for the rest of the class.
Because I was directly in front of her, I had no choice but to look straight at her every time my head was upside down (roughly once a minute). I’ve seen people freeze or give up in yoga classes many times, and it’s a sad thing, but as a student there’s nothing you can do about it. At that moment, though, I found it impossible to stop thinking about this woman. Even when I wasn’t positioned to stare directly at her, I knew she was still staring directly at me. Over the course of the next hour, I watched as her despair turned into resentment and then contempt. I felt it all directed toward me and my body.
I was completely unable to focus on my practice, instead feeling hyper-aware of my high-waisted bike shorts, my tastefully tacky sports bra, my well-versedness in these poses that I have been in hundreds of times. My skinny white girl body. Surely this woman was noticing all of these things and judging me for them, stereotyping me, resenting me—or so I imagined.
T’ruth’s response:
Okay there is so much that is offensive about this disillusioned white woman, perhaps her blood sugar is low from not eating. Is that how she stays so thin? What I find interesting is how she made this racial, even more than physical. Why did she feel this hostility from this heavy set black woman whose body was “not built” for yoga, when I am sure that there have been several heavy set white woman who have had equal difficulty with the practice. Did they too have contempt in their eyes as well? or had she noticed. Note yoga is for the human body, it is not contingent on size or shape, you work with what you have and where you are. It is not about aesthetics it is about spiritual and physical health and well being. Now Western folks have made about how you look in your LuLu Lemons but that’s not what it is about.
Carson’s  preoccupation with this woman is bizarre, but I find that it reveals more about the author, and her perception of what that woman was thinking,  then what might have really been going on. Carson’s ego (which oddly has no place in the yoga practice) had her spiraling and she did what I like call The Help, where she places her self in the mind space of a person she has no clue about, and projects the feelings she thinks they must be having based on her own perception (much like the book The Help when the white author endeavors to enter the psyche of Black maids…) And she is probably way off base.
I was an avid Bikram yoga practitioner for 5 years. It’s the hot yoga where everyone is half naked most of the time. I practiced in Harlem and the studio was highly diverse not just racially but in body type and age as well. Now yoga is hard, especially for people who have not been in their bodies, are not used to moving and stretching, or who are out of shape (heavy, inert, or not flexible). It can be a misery, and when you put that practice in a room that is over 100 degrees, it’s literally hell. I am fit and strong, and flexible, and have stood in front of many a new comer, fat and thin white, black, latina, Asian and other, and yes I seen the panic in their eyes when they are asking themselves “What the fuck was I thinking?” I have seen them at time look at me but I never felt contempt, from them or jealousy, maybe awe, like “How the hell is she so calm I want to die!!!”. I usually try to do the best, most disciplined practice as an example of what is possible if you just hang in there. I try to do a generous practice, if we catch eyes a slight smile with the energy of “Come, you can do this” as encouragement. Often after class they might come up and ask me or other practitioners how long we have practiced and every one always tells them that it kind of sucks in the beginning but if you hang in there it get better.
Jen Cason is so self absorbed that she really thought that woman was worried about her “skinny” ass. She was probably trying to manage her sore hamstring.
What I find really interesting is that Carson ASSUMES this heavy black woman wants to look like her..she assumes that she is the ideal for this woman, that she came to that class hoping that it would transform her into a skinny white woman… She takes societies concept of beauty (white, thin, blonde) the thing that she herself is in hot pursuit of and assigns it to this innocent woman. I feel like Jen was having a fat day and she needed to feel better about her self, and she saw that black woman and said to herself “Well I may not be Giselle but at least I’m not fat and black” and then hung a “Poor here” sign around the black woman’s neck. AND because she want’s to feel like she’s evolved she pens this essay about how yoga needs to be more inclusive.. I say come to Harlem, on second thought DON’T

It’s not about what YOU think but what I FEEL


The way we feel in and about our bodies is incredibly subjective, as is our body image. Oft times we don’t get why or how others can feel the way they feel about themselves. Not only that, but we often in those moments we a have need to express our personal feelings about their bodies-that are opposing theirs. For me, (depending on who it’s coming from) it can feel like a negation. Sometimes when you are commenting on yourself, others will project that opinion onto themselves in the form of their perceived idea of judgement you have of them. “If you think you’re fat, then what do you think of ME!?”  and it kinda doesn’t work that way. I talked about it in Not Fat Not Thin: The Murky Middle Ground of the Body Image Issue.

Nell Carter a reader commented:

his is an excellent article. As I was reading it, I questioned whether I had responded to anyone describing issues with their body by saying, ‘you look great’ –essentially saying you have nothing to complain about. When people who are either middle ground or thin complain about their body image, it feels incredibly awkward for the onlooker (regardless of the onlookers body type). There is this human urge you get to rescue so to speak. You don’t want this other person (friend or stranger) to feel flawed. Without thinking, you jump to the rescue saying what seems good and correct. Now to think you are stifling those emotions doesn’t cross your mind. How many times do we ‘rescue’ others? What is the best thing to say and do when someone is describing dislike towards their body? Obviously listening is best, but if you don’t respond beyond listening, it could be portrayed as you think the person is flawed.



This perspective is a much more compassionate place, and quite real as well… I like it and because I have not felt that way in those moments, should it come up I will try to shift to that concept!!!

Thanks NELL!

check out the video